Monday, September 29, 2008

I just got scouted...weird

Well, I've just finished practicing my violin, and my mom is now complaining to me, asking me how on earth could she wait for 2 years to just hear some decent music from my violin! Geez and I thought I was actually doing a pretty good job for someone who's just been learning for 3 weeks! Oh well, at least I've got my guitar. 
I woke up at 8 today, that's the only good thing about this holiday. The fact that I can sleep in for as long as I want. 
At 1, my mom, grandpa, and me went to Carrefour. Me, to get some posted notes for D.T, my mom to get some groceries, and my grandpa... to buy a washing machine. 
While I was checking out some school stuff, a lady just came up to me saying (in chinese of course), "Hello, I'm from the Cosmetics Company, Mary Kay. We're holding a survey about what girls from age 13- 18 buy the most." Etc, etc. You get the drill. I answered the questions, and she asked more. It was just the end that surprised me. She handed me a business card and told me, "Thank you for your assistance. You know we've always needed new models. Here's our card, call if you're up to it." Then she smiled and left. 
That makes it a total of 3 times that a person has asked me to model. 2 times of when I was 4 and in New York. 
Now I'm listening to "The Swan" by Saint Saens. I found it in the manga La Corda D'Oro. It's a cello piece. Yo yo ma's playing it. At first I had no idea who he was. So I asked my mom, 
Me: Mom, who's Yo Yo Ma? 
Mom: You mean Ma Yo Yo? 
Me: Same thing. 
Mom: Yes, he's that famous Cellist who lives right next door to Serina. (A friend in NYC) 
Me: WHAT?! 
Well that's New York to you. Heck, there was a famous comedian who lived on the floor above, and a singer who lived right next to us! 
Sigh, it really is weird. And I'm really bored. I don't get the D.T HW... 

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Violin +Guitar+Piano lessons=... Total Exhaustion

I've just finished dinner, it was so good. My grandpa is such a good cook. And it helps that I'm really hungry, since I didn't eat lunch. Why? Well...
... I had a Violin Lesson at 1:00, a piano lesson at 1:30, and a guitar lesson at 3:00, so I wanted to go practice my piano (I don't have a piano at home. It takes up too much space, and it's too much trouble to get one). I left at 12:00 and skipped lunch. 
I was pretty nervous, seeing as I didn't practice my piano and I only practiced my violin 3 times this week. Thankfully I got through with Straight As (Phew!) Then for guitar I was practicing "Wake me up when September Ends" by Green Day, which was actually pretty easy. I take part in a band that my guitar teacher made. We've only had one concert so far. There's going to be a band performance sometime in October so I needed to learn 2 other songs as well ( I don't know which ones). 
The violin is so tiring. I've only been learning it for 3 weeks. Still, I LOVE the sound of it, so I'm trying hard on it. Piano's also fun, but reading the notes are really annoying. I'm bad at harmony. At least in Violin it's easier to read. 
9 days of no school. I must say, it seems very boring. I'm going to Nanjing for 2 days, it's going to be the only traveling I'll do this week. Still I might as well relax while I can. 
Oh, they updated D. Gray- Man and Bakuman. Hmm... doesn't seem very interesting. When will the Noah Clan show up again? I like them more then the exorcists. I guess I'll just do my homework now. Where's that Mandarin Workbook? 

Well, bye now, 
Bloody Aerona 

Friday, September 26, 2008

Yay, it's the Holidays! (Sarcasm, sarcasm)

Hi, the name's Michelle, or Bloody Aerona as you can see from the web address. Don't ask why I chose it. I just liked the sound of it. I live in shanghai, and my birthday's in December. 
I love manga/anime and my current obsessions are Rhode of D. Gray-man, Prince of Tennis, and Megumi  in Special A. I also like music and can play 3 instruments. I have 3 best friends, Juliet Benjamyn, Literacy Actress, and Arts Addict. 

Anyway, it's 11 p.m now and I'm not sleepy at all. Well that's probably because I slept for 3 hours straight when I came home, so who cares. 
Starting tomorrow it's the holidays, I'm not really excited or anything since I still have all my music, math, mandarin, classes to go to. That reminds me, I have my chinese and math to do. Dang it. 

Today was... ok. First was games, which was boring. The rules in Rugby make no sense whatsoever.  I wish we had Mr. Casson back. 
For period 2, we had the very scary, fearsome, and monstrous, Spanish Test. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but still scary. Latios kept on banging his head on his locker door saying "WHY? DAMN YOU MR. (Anonymous), I MUST FEEL PAIN!". Then, after feeling the pain he, in a very pathetic way, whimpered "Ow." 
As for Shinigami James, he went like, "You call that pain?" And he, also very stupidly, banged HIS head into HIS locker door even harder then Latios. Then he collapsed onto the floor, also whimpering. Afterwards, he went on cursing Mr. (Anonymous) and praying to the Foosball Lord, who apparently, lives in the south. 
Double sigh. 
At break time I bought a small beef pie for 10 RMB. 10 RMB! 10 RMB? 10 fricken RMB! And the pie's like only 5 cm in diameter! What the heck is wrong with the school? SAS sells it for 2 RMB. 2! 
Still it tastes really good. 
Then there was Geography. Literacy Actress, Oliver , and me were working on our presentation on the Alps. Well actually Oliver was playing some online game called Halo and Megan and I were doing all the work. 
In PSHE we had free time, and Art Addict, as the REALLY NICE person that she is, helped me get an account on Blog spot. 
After that was the Science Test. EASY. 
Chinese Class. Workbook. Boring. 

Ping En wasn't on the bus this afternoon, leaving me with Rose and Bridget. And I must say, if I was like THEM when I was little, I'm surprised that no one every tried to strangle me.
 I'm serious. 
Then the 3 hours nap, and after that the Bus Number 3 Traditional Reunion. Though really, most of the time I was just watching Ping En and Panny playing boring Halo. That and beating up Panny. The good thing was that Ping En bought Milk Tea! I love Milk Tea! 
And that pretty much concludes today. 

Bloody Aerona