Monday, September 29, 2008

I just got scouted...weird

Well, I've just finished practicing my violin, and my mom is now complaining to me, asking me how on earth could she wait for 2 years to just hear some decent music from my violin! Geez and I thought I was actually doing a pretty good job for someone who's just been learning for 3 weeks! Oh well, at least I've got my guitar. 
I woke up at 8 today, that's the only good thing about this holiday. The fact that I can sleep in for as long as I want. 
At 1, my mom, grandpa, and me went to Carrefour. Me, to get some posted notes for D.T, my mom to get some groceries, and my grandpa... to buy a washing machine. 
While I was checking out some school stuff, a lady just came up to me saying (in chinese of course), "Hello, I'm from the Cosmetics Company, Mary Kay. We're holding a survey about what girls from age 13- 18 buy the most." Etc, etc. You get the drill. I answered the questions, and she asked more. It was just the end that surprised me. She handed me a business card and told me, "Thank you for your assistance. You know we've always needed new models. Here's our card, call if you're up to it." Then she smiled and left. 
That makes it a total of 3 times that a person has asked me to model. 2 times of when I was 4 and in New York. 
Now I'm listening to "The Swan" by Saint Saens. I found it in the manga La Corda D'Oro. It's a cello piece. Yo yo ma's playing it. At first I had no idea who he was. So I asked my mom, 
Me: Mom, who's Yo Yo Ma? 
Mom: You mean Ma Yo Yo? 
Me: Same thing. 
Mom: Yes, he's that famous Cellist who lives right next door to Serina. (A friend in NYC) 
Me: WHAT?! 
Well that's New York to you. Heck, there was a famous comedian who lived on the floor above, and a singer who lived right next to us! 
Sigh, it really is weird. And I'm really bored. I don't get the D.T HW... 


FyreVortex said...

Haha lol post it notes... They really should give us real flipbooks for real flipping. :P Post it notes are horrible for flipbooks lol.


Thunderstrike said...

How can you not get the Dt hw? all we have to do i draw a flipbook about a ball bouncing around. and you call me an idiot

FyreVortex said...

HAHA agreed James. Except for being called a iPerson. :P

Ikigami said...

lol but you can be an idiot in another way shinigami. Btw I never knew people in carefour scouted people who are just walking around. I mean, I thought cosmetics were for old people. Have u guys seen seans mom?!

Bloody Aerona said...

I do get it. I just don't get the point of it. And I'm not the idiot, You are. And by the way tenshi, a LOT of people use cosmetics, including guys and girls our age.

Bloody Aerona said...

I do get it. I just don't get the point of it. And I'm not the idiot, You are. And by the way tenshi, a LOT of people use cosmetics, including guys and girls our age.

Wei-Wei said...
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Wei-Wei said...

dude scouted again? jeez i guess people like that are just attracted to pretty, skinny, healthy-skin people like you.

agreed, ba.

koken you're dumb.

ba, CALL ME.

or i'll call you tomorrow.

shinigamijames, we call you an idiot because you ARE one. you can't even read that she said she doesn't get the POINT of it, not that she doesn't get it. stuuuuuuuuuupid.

Ikigami said...

wwwwwwoooooooowwwww. I never knw these things. BTW why the heck did you post the same comment twice?

Wei-Wei said...