Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! And yes, I'm back from Indonesia. I got stung/attacked by jellyfish, rode on elephants, when diving, snorkeling, slept, ate, looked at fish and turtles, played beach volleyball, saw chickens fight, and nearly got attacked by a carnivorous fish. Oh yay. 

Happy Birthday JZ. Yes I know this is very late, but I have reasons... well anyway happy 14~ 

So anyway I'm back and the first thing I saw was... this from LA and JB and SJ's blog. So here it is. 

The basics

Now I answered all of this mutiple times and I'm not going to answer them all AGAIN. So here are the interesting ones. 

Age you wish you were: um……12 

Birthday: Dec 20.

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Dark Brown Eyes.

Height? Around 163 cm. 

Any nicknames? Mimi, Michi, Ms. Perfect, Bookworm (well that was before LA came. Now she's the bookworm.)

Are you a chick or a duck? WTH? I'm a GIRL. Never heard of it? It's called Vocabulary. 

Chips or candy? Chips.

Friends or bf/gf - Friends. 

Twix or Snickers? don't care

Water or Milk? Both 

Apples or oranges? Oranges. 

Carrots or corn? Don't care.

Fruit or vegetable? Both

Cats or dogs? Both 

Kerry or Bush? Don't care.

Cute or pretty- What's the question? 

Handsome or hot- Ditoo 

playing or watching sports? Playing

big city or small town? Big cities, man, big cities. I grew up in them, and I love them. 

Rock or rap? Rock. For rap, it depends. 

Cell phone or home line? Home line. Though I just got a cell phone. 

Yahoo or AIM? Neither. 

Taking pictures or having yours taken? Taking Pictures. i LOVE taking pictures. 

reading or writing? ...............What about listening to music? Though yeah, I like both. 

Suspense or romance? What's wrong with you? What about mystery, fantasy, horror? Are you MAD? 


What is your favorite....

Song? Right now it's In my Room by 宇多田 ヒカル

Book? Does manga book count? Cause in this case Area no Kishi volume 2/3.  

Movie? How pointless. None. 

Band? Paramore. 

Singer? Michelle Branch, 宇多田 ヒカル,... it's a long list. 

Actor? Don't care. 

Actress? Don't care. 

Sport? Basketball, volleyball, Hockey, badminton... anything to do with using my hands rather then my feet. 

Game? Wii games. Mario cart, or something like that. 

Food? Sushi! Ramen! Tempura! Udon! 

Drink? ....... Black, Red, Oolong, or Jasmine Tea. That and Hot Chocolate. 

Website? Blogger, hotmail, fanfiction, onemanga 

Subject in school? hmmm... math, history, spanish, art, english... must I continue? 



The scariest thing that has ever happened to you: ..... don't have one. Oh wait, maybe that carnivorous fish... 

You best friend: Depends on which one. 

How you look: Messy. 

Your favorite scent: Fresh, cold, air. Or just air. 

Your best memory: ..... sleeping. Playing. GOing to the Hershey's Chocolate amusement park and factory. Now THAT was heaven. 

Your perfect guy: 

Your crush: I don't have one. Not anymore. 

The best time of your life: Playing on the bars and the playground with Mina, JB, Caty, Yuka, Grace, Jun-yung, Beatrice, etc. 


The future

Do you plan on graduating high school? Yes. 

Going to college? Yes. 

What college? Harvard, Oxford, Princeton, Yale. Somthing like that. 

Do you want to get married? No. 

Have kids? Adopt 2. 

How many? Two or three. 

What will their names be? Kai, Rhode, Aerona, Alice, Beatrice, Ignisa, Allen, who knows? 

Where do you want to live? Shanghai, Tokyo, New York, etc. 

Dream job? .... Something with good pay. 

Dream car? I'd rather have a bicycle. 

Where will you get married, if you will? hmm....Where? I don't know. 

Honeymoon? ...

Best friend...

Craziest - JB/ AA/ LA 

Loudest - JB/ LA (when Mad) 

Oldest - JB

Youngest - LA

Known Longest - JB 

blondest - .. No one. I don't think AA's the blondest. 

smartest – AA 

dumbest - ....Uh, what kind of question is that? You're telling me to classify one of my friends as dumb? What's WRONG with you? 

most dramatic – LA, AA, JB 

quietest - ...  I don't know. Me? 

randomest - JB/ AA 

tallest - LA 

shortest - JB

date: Jan 4th 

location: here.

what are you thinking: What are you thinking 

you are wishing: To have something interesting to do. I'm bored. 

avoiding anything? What do you mean? 

day of the week? Sunday 

playing? No

reading? ....Manga? 

being annoyed by? hmm... nothing really. Being bored. 

Ah finally finished. I deleted a lot of the original questionnaire, because they were mostly useless or boring questions. 


Ron said...

happy new year 。ˇ。 ♥
you listen to j-pop too?
hehe > <
me 2 ~

i like aqua timez the most
utada hikaru is nice too =)
and hmmm... a lot

i read manga too


cya tomorrow!

Ikigami said...

How could you not like coke or sprite.. tea is ok but yeah, no offence if you asked me what brown coloured drink you like (that kind of sounded sick, i don't know why) i would go for coke.

BTw mogo ranked you first on the couples rating with James, all i can do is wish you luck!!! (*w*)

Thunderstrike said...

what's 宇多田 ヒカル in Romaji? Are they good? Is it a male, female or homosexual bastard?

You love taking pictures? How sad.

And what's Area no kishi?

Caitlyn said...

Aw, thank you! For the random, smartest, dramatic and other qualities. i LOVE photography too. Cool! You got stung by a JELLY FISH???? Oh my, are you OKAY??!???? AAHHH!!! You got me totally worried now. .....*bites nails*......

Meagan Larson said...

dude, am i like not your friend anymore? last time i checked, I WAS OLDER THAN JB!

dude, stung by a jellyfish! awesome!

did it hurt?

I SHALL ALWAYS STRIVE TO BE THE CRAZIEST! but then i do something normal like breathe and i am once again an outcast.


anywho, thanks for the shout out. it feels so good to be older than everyone else.



when is his birthday?

I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!

(unlike mogo. stalker.)

Wei-Wei said...

yeah, yeah, we all know what a wonderfully wonderful, exciting, extraordinary holiday you had. you don't have to rub it in.

Ikigami said...

if you don't mind zebadoo can you stop typing a line then spacing two lines after that cuz it takes up so much space and its really hard to read.. for example that sigh you put in was completely useless. I bet no one thought twice to read that again.

Caitlyn said...

JB, don't.

Meagan Larson said...

fine. i'm sorry for wasting your space, ikigami. gosh. talk about a tree hugger.