Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Air, Aero, Aria, etc

Ok, now I'm air crazy as you see. I've just been to LA's post about elements in different languages and JB's post about how fire is the best. So yes, I'm busy defending air here. Oh and violin. SJ was insulting the violin and Latios and I are now beating him up and telling him that he's in Violin territory. So he's ran over to Neutral Territory. JB, who also thinks Violin is sad, as ran over to clarinet territory. However now she's united with us as we've changed our name to Cello Territory. Since the Cello is the BEST, along with Violin. 
Mr. M's given me this poster for a classical guitar concert by Maria Esther Guzman from spain. Which is a month away. I don't thin my guitar skills are that good. 
Now Mr. R's reading out the news. There's a halloween dance on Friday. Me and Jaybee want to go to the dance ( who knows it might be fun) but LA and AA don't want to go. And if they don't go then well ... there's not much point is there? 
Now I'm just thinking of GCSE. We only have an year after all. What should I choose? Maths, English, Science, of course, Mandarin (Languages) , Music (Arts) , History (Humanities), and... something optional. Which I have yet to decide. Spanish? Art? Geo? Those are the one's I'm considering... 
SPANISH. Don't really like Mr. E, but I like Spanish. Sigh... Now we're doing fashion Brochure... 
ART. I like Art, so I would like to do it for Optional. BUt I HATE art analysis. 
GEO. It's Interesting. Mr. S is just extremely dull. But oh well. 
I guess out of all them it's Spanish and Art. I don't really like Geo... 

Oh well, bye
(BTW SJ, if you're going to comment That I'm a 'sad, sad person', save it. It's pointless. I know already. 
Bloody Aerona 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Everything so far...

Well, I'm going to Guizhou tomorrow, so I thought I'd publish one last post. 
Violin and Piano... going pretty well. My violin's gotten a lot better, my mom's surprisingly happy about that. 
Home classes.... also ok. 
School Report ... pretty good. 
Math Test ... very good! I'm happy about my result. 
Guitar.... I have mixed feelings about this. I might as well just quit guitar. After all, my teacher's just attempted s- ... nevermind. 
But I'll just be happy that I'm going to Guizhou. Going to guizhou. Yay! 

I've been checking the manga updates and I have to say... 
Naruto - Boring, never liked it much anyway 
Bleach- Soi Fon is SO going to beat that espada up. She has to. I won't stand for it if she doesn't. 
Bakuman- Pretty good. I'll be waiting for further Chapters. 
D. Gray- man - Just get to the action already! 
Psyren- Good. This has got to be my favorite so far. 

Now I'm listening to the violin version of Mozart Sonata KV301. It's pretty good, but the violinist is like showing no emotion. It's sort of weird... 
Well, I have to sleep early now for Guizhou. 

Good Night! 
Bloody Aerona 

Monday, October 13, 2008

Stupid Dentist, stupid teeth, stupid braces, stupid-ok I'll stop now

I have braces. Blue ones. Tiny metal chips all lined up on my upper teeth. 
It sucks. 
You'd think that I'd have time to get used to it (I got it on Sunday), but it still feels very... strange. 
I guess I'll just talk about the day I got it. 
We left at 2:00. Our appointment was at 3, but my mom wanted to go early in case I was late. Which was very unnecessary, as I arrived there at 2:30. 
I didn't have any lunch, because I woke up at like 10 and wasn't hungry, but my mom wanted me to eat something so she went out to buy some bread, etc. Though really, it turned out THAT wasn't necessary either. 
The dentist called me to come, and I went to sat down in the scary dentist chair. He lowered the chair down, gave my teeth a check, and then proceeded with the braces. 
He stuck this huge plate thing filled with what looked like orange play-doh into my mouth. My fricking mouth. And it hurt. Then he waited a few seconds, and took it out. Apparently it molded into the shape of my teeth. 
Please let that not be playdoh. 
Then he told me to open my mouth, which I did, and then he stuck this huge weird contraption into my mouth which made me hold it as big as I can. After that he stuck those dental tools and dried my mouth completely, apparently, 'cleaning' it. 
His assistant took out what looked like this weird syringe thing (as in for shots) and I panicked. Were they going to give me a shot in my mouth?! 
Then the dentist told me that it wasn't for shots it was just for putting glue onto my teeth. It wasn't going to hurt at all. 
After putting the glue on most of my teeth on the front row, he showed me a bag of colorful rubber bands for the braces. I chose blue. Black looked like cavities and red looked like blue. I didn't want green on my teeth, and I though silver and white a bit boring. So yeah. 
He (the dentist) starting fixing up the bands onto the metal chips and asked his assistant for what looked like more glue stuff. Then they'd put glue on it, and stick it on my teeth. Just as they finished, I was happily praying to God that I could take the contraption out of my mouth because it was really stretching it. 
Unfortunately they told me that I had to sit, with my mouth open, on the chair for 20 minutes. I wanted to murder them. 20 frickin minutes! But I sat there anyway. 
After 20 LONG minutes they took the contraption mouth, which felt like heaven. The dentist grabbed out a packet and opened it. He slid out what looked like.... long, sharp, metal needles.  Oh please no, I thought, let they NOT be sticking those into my mouth. 
It turned out that they were the wires for the braces. I watched anxiously, as he curved the wire around the now dried play-doh mold (so that's what it was for!) and when it was ready, curved it around my teeth through the metal chips. 
The afterwards affect felt strange. I couldn't really talk, and the dentist said that I could eat nuts, hard stuff, or very sticky and chewy stuff. That meant no hard dark chocolate. Sigh. 

And that was how the dentist appointment went. 
My mom went to buy some expensive dental equipment, while my brother screamed in my ear, saying that he wanted to go to the Hot Springs. 
And now i can hardly eat. 
Ah well. 

Bloody Aerona, 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just stuff about me

Ok, since JB and SJ have done this, I decided I must as well do this to. And by 'this' I mean this list of stuff about me. 

Name: Bloody Aerona, duh 
Nickname: Aerona 
Birthday : December 20 
Place of Birth: New York City!!! 
Horoscope: Sagittarius 
Male or Female: Female (of course. What boy would call himself Bloody Aerona?)
Lettuce: Lettuce? Uh, it's ok.
School: DCS 
Occupation :Student 
Hometown: NYC 
MSN: Not saying. 

Hair Color: Black 
Hair Length: A bit under my shoulders 
Eye Color: Dark Brown which is apparently a boring color 
Weight: Who's ever revealing that? But here's the range 42-48 kg 
Height: 163 cm 
Braces: No, but I might get them soon 
Glasses: Only when I'm on the computer...like now. 
Piercings: No WAY. Who the heck wants a hole in their EAR? 
Tattoos: No thanks. 
Righty or Lefty? : Right 

First Best Friend: Um.... forgotten. 
First Award: No idea...oh right, third place for abacus. And then second place for swimming.
First pet: goldfish, he died. 
First Real Vacation: Disneyworld in Florida
 First Concert: Don't remember, but it was probably in the Carnegie Hall.

Movie: hmm, I guess I'll just choose Stardust, Kung-fu Hustle, or Finding Nemo. 
TV Program: Don't have one, only Anime. Oh and maybe Avatar: The Legend of Aang. 
Color: Blue 
Band: Do you mean singer? I like AFI, Michelle Branch, Avril Lavigne, Paramore, etc. I also like classical music, jazz, rock, etc. Everything except Hip-hop, rap, and a song with screaming. 
Song right now: Ego You by Declan Galbraith. 
Friends: LA, AA, JB, and lots of other people. 
Sweet: DARK CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Sport: Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Floor Hockey, and Volleyball 
Restaurant: I just like food. 
Favorite Brand: Gap and Elle and Ambercrombie  
Store: Isn't that brand? 
School Subjects: Math, Music, Science, History, etc. Mostly everything except English (Because I don't like the Teacher) and Games for NOW(Because I don't like Rugby) 
Animal: Birds 
Book: Howl's Moving Castle 
Magazine: Reader's Digest
Shoes: Sneakers and Sandals (The one with straps) 

Feeling: Sleepy 
Have a crush: Nope 
Eating: Nope 
Drinking: Nope, though I do feel thirsty...
Typing: This Blog 
Listening: Music 
Thinking about: How much I should get back to my homework 
Wanting: To eat chocolate 
Wearing: Pajamas plus jacket 

Don't want to talk about the future. 

Which is better with the opposite sex 
(Why do we answer these?)
Hair Color: Black 
Length: Normal (which is short). No long hair PLEASE. 
Eye Color: I don't really care, as long as it's not red. 
Height: Taller then me 
Eyes or lips: Eyes 
Style: Um.... no idea 
Easygoing or serious: Don't know 
Romantic or Spontaneous?: Romantic will make me yawn. Spontaneous will make me laugh or groan. It really just depends. 
Fatty or Skinny: Middle 
Sensitive or Loud?: Not sensitive, or they'd be terribly hurt by my blunt comments. Loud? No way, I usually sleep or read during the day, and their loudness will interrupt. 
Sweet or Caring: Well  I don't want them mean. And aren't they the same thing?
Trouble Maker or Hesitant one: I'd be bored with a hesitant one. I'll take the trouble maker. As long as they're not TOO troublesome. 

Anyway I basically don't care about this sort of stuff. I can't date until I'm 16, so why should I care? 

Have you ever...
Broken a bone: No
taken an x-ray: Yes
Broke up with someone: No
Cried when someone died: In my dreams yes. Does that count? 
Cried at school: In Kindergarten. When that stupid kid broke my precious sunflower, I cried for 3 minutes. Then I wacked him with an encyclopedia. A very THICK Encyclopedia. Then HE cried for 10 minutes! 

Do you believe in...
God: I'll see when I die
Miracles: Never really had one happen to me
Love at first sight: NO. One of the reasons I don't like Romeo and Juliet. 
Ghosts: (stutters) M-maybe 
Aliens: Yeah. Probably won't meet them though. 
Soul Mates: so-so
Heaven: Wait for death. 
Angels: Ditto 
Kissing on the first date: If I like him a lot. 
Horoscopes: Complicated ones. When you get your sun sign, moon sign, luck sign, and all your coordinates. However I like Numerology much more. It's easier and makes more sense. 

Finished! Phew!
Bloody Aerona


Yeah, the above is japanese. Why did I put it up there? Because a certain 馬鹿 has taught me how to type in japanese and now I'm having fun just randomly typing. So you'll have to put up with random japanese. 
Anyway, yes I haven't updated for some time, but that's just because keeping a blog is real hard. 
Now we're starting school again, and I'm pretty happy about that. Anymore time just staying at my grandparent's house would've been very つまんない. Nanjing was ok, we went to some sort of historical park. My mom knew it very well, apparently she spent all of her field trips there. Poor her. Though it was pretty interesting. 

School was... normal. I guess. First was 理科, which was more or less normal. I miss my old teacher, but Mr. W is actually pretty fun. Then was Math where we had the てすと. LA got full marks, and I got two wrong. Apparently she's changed the marking scheme for this year. Anything with pingying gets a mark taken off. Sigh.... how things change. 
After that was Geo, where we were working on the Alps. AND where that なまけもの, Oliver, did NOTHING. English was ok. We just read more of that "The Inspector Calls." Play. 
Period 5 was 音楽 class, yay! Unfortunately I got a lot of theory 宿題. The good thing is that Mr. M asked me to join this guitar group thing, which was ok with me.
Then last period, さんすう. Arghh, that lesson was SO tiring. I couldn't find my calculator, so I ran to my locker, but I couldn't find it there , so I went to the Music Room. Since it wasn't there EITHER, I had to go back to class without it. 

And I think that should be it.... 
I don't see anything else that I should add.  
So, bye or さようなら!
Bloody Aerona 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Things I've done on this Holiday...

Great, 4 days of holiday to go. My parents are telling me to go to bed now, so this is going to be short.
Right now we're in Yangzhou, in my grandparent's house. I'll just summarize everything we've done in the last 2 days.

Tuesday: Went to Shanghai Technology Museum with my cousins, (I'll just call them ZX and ZL) who come from my father's side of the family. It was extremely crowded, and we had to keep pushing through crowd after crowd. SO annoying. ZL was taking so many pictures, while ZX kept running off. Then he'd get lost and we'd have to find him. Sigh. The only fun thing was watching the 3D Film, Deep in the Ocean. At least we got to see 3D Sharks and cool mantay rays swimming around us in the theatre. Oh, and the jellyfish. There were lots of jellyfish.
After that was the Aquarium, which is pretty funny when you think of the fact that we just watched a video about the ocean. I went there tons of times before, so it wasn't that fun. Except in the shark tunnel (yes sharks again) when me and ZX were pointing everywhere, shouting to ZL, "Yeah over there, take a picture! Hurry, hurry! Great now behind you. No, on top! No over there! Over there!"
Yeah you get the idea.
Then we came home, tired out.

Wednesday: We were supposed to go to the zoo, but we decided to go to Zhong Shan Park instead. Over there we went on the rollercoaster, played badminton, blew bubbles....and climbed trees. Yes you heard me right. Climbed trees. There was this really big one (about the height of a building with 3 floors) with lots of thick branches, so I climbed to the top and sat there for a while. It was a great view. Unfortunately when I was coming back down I accidently scratched myself, and now there's this big ugly scratch on my right arm. After that we ate some stuff from the food stall and walked back home. Then I just practiced my violin, and did some more boring stuff.
And that's it I guess. My parents are getting real annoyed now, so I'll just stop here.