Thursday, October 2, 2008

Things I've done on this Holiday...

Great, 4 days of holiday to go. My parents are telling me to go to bed now, so this is going to be short.
Right now we're in Yangzhou, in my grandparent's house. I'll just summarize everything we've done in the last 2 days.

Tuesday: Went to Shanghai Technology Museum with my cousins, (I'll just call them ZX and ZL) who come from my father's side of the family. It was extremely crowded, and we had to keep pushing through crowd after crowd. SO annoying. ZL was taking so many pictures, while ZX kept running off. Then he'd get lost and we'd have to find him. Sigh. The only fun thing was watching the 3D Film, Deep in the Ocean. At least we got to see 3D Sharks and cool mantay rays swimming around us in the theatre. Oh, and the jellyfish. There were lots of jellyfish.
After that was the Aquarium, which is pretty funny when you think of the fact that we just watched a video about the ocean. I went there tons of times before, so it wasn't that fun. Except in the shark tunnel (yes sharks again) when me and ZX were pointing everywhere, shouting to ZL, "Yeah over there, take a picture! Hurry, hurry! Great now behind you. No, on top! No over there! Over there!"
Yeah you get the idea.
Then we came home, tired out.

Wednesday: We were supposed to go to the zoo, but we decided to go to Zhong Shan Park instead. Over there we went on the rollercoaster, played badminton, blew bubbles....and climbed trees. Yes you heard me right. Climbed trees. There was this really big one (about the height of a building with 3 floors) with lots of thick branches, so I climbed to the top and sat there for a while. It was a great view. Unfortunately when I was coming back down I accidently scratched myself, and now there's this big ugly scratch on my right arm. After that we ate some stuff from the food stall and walked back home. Then I just practiced my violin, and did some more boring stuff.
And that's it I guess. My parents are getting real annoyed now, so I'll just stop here.


Wei-Wei said...

lucky you've had such an awesome and fun holiday... :(

Ikigami said...

Wow, nice SUMMARY
do u get to do this every holiday?!

Thunderstrike said...

Lucky people

FyreVortex said...

Wow, nice. :)

Latios said...

Lol. Our family drove to XiaMen, and WuYiShan, drove total of 2400 kms, and time elasped - 30 hours.