Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Yeah, the above is japanese. Why did I put it up there? Because a certain 馬鹿 has taught me how to type in japanese and now I'm having fun just randomly typing. So you'll have to put up with random japanese. 
Anyway, yes I haven't updated for some time, but that's just because keeping a blog is real hard. 
Now we're starting school again, and I'm pretty happy about that. Anymore time just staying at my grandparent's house would've been very つまんない. Nanjing was ok, we went to some sort of historical park. My mom knew it very well, apparently she spent all of her field trips there. Poor her. Though it was pretty interesting. 

School was... normal. I guess. First was 理科, which was more or less normal. I miss my old teacher, but Mr. W is actually pretty fun. Then was Math where we had the てすと. LA got full marks, and I got two wrong. Apparently she's changed the marking scheme for this year. Anything with pingying gets a mark taken off. Sigh.... how things change. 
After that was Geo, where we were working on the Alps. AND where that なまけもの, Oliver, did NOTHING. English was ok. We just read more of that "The Inspector Calls." Play. 
Period 5 was 音楽 class, yay! Unfortunately I got a lot of theory 宿題. The good thing is that Mr. M asked me to join this guitar group thing, which was ok with me.
Then last period, さんすう. Arghh, that lesson was SO tiring. I couldn't find my calculator, so I ran to my locker, but I couldn't find it there , so I went to the Music Room. Since it wasn't there EITHER, I had to go back to class without it. 

And I think that should be it.... 
I don't see anything else that I should add.  
So, bye or さようなら!
Bloody Aerona 


Thunderstrike said...

Is the blog title Today's blog? And the is baka (馬鹿) me?

Thunderstrike said...

And what does the first sentence mean?

Ikigami said...

what is physically ゲイ/レスビアン?!with you. It's gotten so god damn hard to read.And i think u got 算数wrong with 中国語。How could've you found music FUN?!?!?!Oh, and is the certain 馬鹿 james? フフフ
you know you should type normally now
oh well, さようなら

Ikigami said...

and james, what kind of idiot are you, if you taught bloody aerona how to type in japanese then you are the idiot, if not no.... its kind of simple

FyreVortex said...


FyreVortex said...

Keeping a blog is NOT hard. :P

Yea, the marking scheme has changed now.

... -_-

http://bynews.blogspot.com has been updated.

Bloody Aerona said...

Yes james, the baka is you. Who else could it be? And the first sentence means "hi everyone!"
And koken, if anyone is ゲイ, it's you. And no I didn't get maths wrong with mandarin. And of course music is fun! And yeah, I will probably type normally from now on....
Or not...
If we had the old mark scheme, I'd have full marks.
じあ〜ね〜 (see you later)

Latios said...

Hm..... Would be easier if someone taught me how to type it. I can type the .... thing, (lol) but can't type the.... thing (lol, I mean Characters, proper one.) Lol.

And Tenshi, music is fun, art is also fun, yeah. Maths can be fun, except for the problem with SOME teachers - change that to MOST, mabye change that to ALMOST EVERY teachers. They simply don't know the right way to teach. hm.....

Wait for my new series of comics! lol XD done in ..... pen or pencil? still wondering.

..... I don't know any of your's gmail, can you email me your gmail address? Simply just send me a mail saying 'Hi. This is Someone. This is my email address.'
My email is latios951@gmail.com

If you use gtalk, add me pls.

Another day full of homeworks for Latios.... gd night everyone!